Hello Edwin Velazquez Here
I just wanted to give you a part of my story about using TechnoTutor on a daily basis and how it’s changed my life for the better in so many ways I NEVER thought possible.
Since I was about 8 years old I got seizures due to emotional stress and trauma but as I got older it was just suppressed with pharmaceutical medicine which actually keeps you sick and slowly kills you and in 2015 the day after thanksgiving I got a minor glimpse of lupus and a year later on the exact day right after thanksgiving I actually got extremely sick and was in severe pain just to find out that I had a autoimmune disease and my body was attacking itself but here’s the beauty of purchasing TT and changing my life and CONQUERING all of my health issues that came from that.
So I had a fantastic friend a very special lady that entered my life in 2009 and has literally changed my life moving forward from that date always helping me to the fullest with endless researching and guidance to change my way of life (but you’ll hear the full story at a later date)
She is constantly challenging me to become a better version of myself and then she introduced me to TT in early 2021 and my life took a huge turn and I haven’t looked backed ever since.
Now ever since I purchased my TT kit I use it daily and apply it to my everyday life routine now since using TT and doing self forgiveness and D.I.P I no longer have seizures since last year (05-28-22)
I literally killed the lupus internally at it’s core (which isn’t curable) because I faced a lot of my childhood trauma due to the help of TT for helping me better understand myself and my emotions that I just locked away in the basement.
Now I’m literally living my best life got back into fantastic shape since 2019 and got back together with my friend who’s now my girlfriend once again but with principle within our agreement so now we hold each other accountable for all our decisions and actions as we aim to do what’s BEST FOR ALL (you’ll learn more about us at a later date stay tuned).
Yours Truly, Edwin V Jersey City, NJ